A vacation can do wonders for reducing stress levels, but it often reeks havoc on your fitness regimen. Fortunately our onsite gym can make sure your lifestyle remains uninterrupted but some people are not comfortable with working out in a new environment. We understand.
Even some of the most die-hard exercisers find it difficult to stick with a workout program when away from home. Sure, many have good intentions. They may even pack their workout attire. Unfortunately, it usually never makes it out of the suitcase until it’s unpacked when their back home.
But travel from home doesn’t have to result in an interruption or complete abandonment of your healthy habits. You can still fit in exercise time when away from home, regardless of whether you find yourself in a warm or a cold climate. Even if bad weather forces you into seclusion in your hotel room, there are exercises you can complete without a single piece of equipment.
Below are some tips to help you stay fit away from home.
Be realistic. You probably won't be able to fit in your normal weekly workouts and that's okay. Shoot for completing at least 50% of your normal regimen.
Plan ahead. Before leaving town, find out what facilities your accommodations will have or if there is a nearby park or jogging track (weather permitting, of course).
Scope out local gyms. If you are staying somewhere that doesn’t provide a workout area then inquire at the nearby local fitness centers or community centers for their rates. Often they offer day passes for minimal fees.
Pack a resistance band in your suitcase. The band takes up very little space, yet can provide you with an entire upper and lower body workout routine.
Don’t deprive yourself of all local delicacies. You can enjoy some special meals without going overboard. Ask the restaurants to prepare your favorite dishes with a few lower fat ingredients.
Be creative. Find unique, fun ways to exercise instead of doing the same routine you do when you are at home. Try biking, hiking, a pedal boat excursion, water skiing, beach volleyball, etc. Effective workouts aren’t limited to the standard fares of walking, jogging and fitness machines.
Try out your travel routine at least once at home. A new workout that you’ve never done before will require more time and preparation. This type of frustration just makes for an easy excuse to skip the workout.
Prepare snacks. If your journey includes a lot of time in the car, be sure to pack some healthy snacks so you aren’t forced to eat at all the fast food and convenience shops along the way.
Play in the pool. If lounging poolside is part of your vacation plans, then hop in the pool every 20 minutes for 5-10 minutes of pool walking (try it in waist-deep or higher water for a really challenging workout).
Get comfortable. Don’t forget to pack comfortable workout attire that fits your destination’s climate.
This workout targets the entire body and is great for travelers or those who don't have a lot of equipment. All you need is a thick phone book (or any other thick, heavy book) and a stool or chair. Some exercises are very advanced, so use caution and modify the workout to fit your fitness level.
1. Begin with a warm up of light cardio
2. Beginners perform 1 set of 12-16 reps of each exercise, modifying each move to fit your fitness level
3. Intermediate/Advanced: Performs 2-3 sets of 10-16 reps with short rests in between
4. Add intensity by adding weights or slowing the movements down
5. See your doctor if you have any injuries or illnesses
6. Click on pictures for a closer view
2. Beginners perform 1 set of 12-16 reps of each exercise, modifying each move to fit your fitness level
3. Intermediate/Advanced: Performs 2-3 sets of 10-16 reps with short rests in between
4. Add intensity by adding weights or slowing the movements down
5. See your doctor if you have any injuries or illnesses
6. Click on pictures for a closer view
Staggered PushupsTry a different version of your usual pushup by putting one hand on a phone book (or any other object) and the other on the floor. On your knees or toes (and with body straight) lower down into a pushup and push back up. Do as many as you can and move on.
Good Mornings
Stand with feet about hip-width apart holding phone book (or medium weight) straight up overhead. Keeping abs braced and knees slightly bent, tip from the hips and lower the torso until it is parallel to the floor, keeping the arms in line with ears. Lift up and repeat. Keep the abs braced throughout the move. If you have any back problems, skip this move!
Stand with feet about hip-width apart holding phone book (or medium weight) straight up overhead. Keeping abs braced and knees slightly bent, tip from the hips and lower the torso until it is parallel to the floor, keeping the arms in line with ears. Lift up and repeat. Keep the abs braced throughout the move. If you have any back problems, skip this move!
Pike Shoulder PushupThis is a very advanced exercise, so use caution! Place your toes on a step or stool and hands on the floor. Lift your body up into a pike position with your hands directly under your shoulders and the top of your head facing the floor. Bend the elbows and lower body into a pushup. Push back up and repeat. The move is shown on a ball which is even more advanced. Be careful!
Rear Delt Fly
With feet hip-width apart, tip from the hips until back is flat and parallel to the floor, abs braced. Lift the arms straight out to the sides to shoulder level with thumbs pointing up to the ceiling. Lower and repeat. Add light weights for intensity...if this hurts your shoulders, skip it!
With feet hip-width apart, tip from the hips until back is flat and parallel to the floor, abs braced. Lift the arms straight out to the sides to shoulder level with thumbs pointing up to the ceiling. Lower and repeat. Add light weights for intensity...if this hurts your shoulders, skip it!
Triceps Dips
Sit on a bench or chair with hands resting next to thighs. Push up and bring the hips out, butt just brushing the bench, knees bent. Bend the elbows and lower body down (staying close to bench) until elbows are 90 degrees. Push up and repeat. Straighten the legs for more intensity.
Sit on a bench or chair with hands resting next to thighs. Push up and bring the hips out, butt just brushing the bench, knees bent. Bend the elbows and lower body down (staying close to bench) until elbows are 90 degrees. Push up and repeat. Straighten the legs for more intensity.
Triceps One-Armed Pushup
Lie down on left side, hips and knees stacked. Wrap the left arm around torso so that left hand is resting on the right waist. Place the right hand on the floor in front of you, palm parallel to the body. Squeeze the triceps and push your body up. Lower and repeat before switching sides.
Lie down on left side, hips and knees stacked. Wrap the left arm around torso so that left hand is resting on the right waist. Place the right hand on the floor in front of you, palm parallel to the body. Squeeze the triceps and push your body up. Lower and repeat before switching sides.
Squats on Tiptoes
With feet wider than hips, squat down and place hands on phone book in front of you. Raise up on the tips of your toes. Staying on tiptoes and fingertips, lift hips up towards the ceiling and straighten the knees as much as you can. Squat back down and repeat, staying in tiptoes the entire time. Modify by placing hands higher (on a chair or bed).
With feet wider than hips, squat down and place hands on phone book in front of you. Raise up on the tips of your toes. Staying on tiptoes and fingertips, lift hips up towards the ceiling and straighten the knees as much as you can. Squat back down and repeat, staying in tiptoes the entire time. Modify by placing hands higher (on a chair or bed).
Lunge with Arms Overhead
Stand in split stance with feet about 3 feet apart. Hold phone book or weight straight up overhead. Bend the knees and lower into a lunge, bringing both knees to 90 degree angles, front knee behind toe. Keeping weight overhead, push back up and repeat before switching legs.
Stand in split stance with feet about 3 feet apart. Hold phone book or weight straight up overhead. Bend the knees and lower into a lunge, bringing both knees to 90 degree angles, front knee behind toe. Keeping weight overhead, push back up and repeat before switching legs.
Single Leg Lift and
SquatPlace hands behind the back and tip forward until back is parallel to the floor and flat, abs braced. Take right leg out to the side, resting on toe. Squat down with the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right leg a few inches off the ground and out to the side, leg straight. Straighten and repeat for all reps before switching sides.
Calf RaiseStand on phone book with heels hanging off the back. Keeping body straight, lift the body up onto tiptoes by contracting the calves. Lower and repeat. You can do this on the floor as well.
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